Living & Sharing Christ

Mission Statement
Core Values
Mission Statement
Our mission is to live and share THE life-changing, ever-growing relationship with Christ.
Core Values
Our over-arching value as a church is unity of the Spirit through....
Compassion made evident by ministry, service, and prayer.
Fulfilling the Great Commission through evangelism and discipleship.
The Lordship of Christ as demonstrated by our response to God's daily leadership in our lives.
Praise and worship through Biblical preaching and teaching for the training of the saints in the work of ministry to build up the body of Christ.

Disciple Making Process
Rock Springs has approved the following process by which we will encourage spiritual maturity; and the measures by which we may evaluate our effectiveness toward accomplishing our mission to "live and share THE life-changing, ever-growing relationship with Christ".
Discipleship Process/Strategy (mMap)
Worship, Connect, Grow, Serve, Share
Discipleship Growth Markers/Mission Measures (mMarks)
Heart for God
Thirst for Truth
Compassion for Others
Hands for Service
Fruit for Sharing
Feet for Going

What We Believe
We affirm the Holy Bible as the inspired word of God and the basis of our beliefs.
The church subscribes to the doctrinal statement of the “Baptist Faith and Message” as adopted by the Southern Baptist Convention in 2000. (Baptist Faith and Message)
We voluntarily band ourselves together as a body of baptized believers in Jesus Christ personally committed to sharing the good news of salvation to lost mankind.
The ordinances of the church are Believer’s Baptism and the Lord’s Supper.
Some Basic Baptist Beliefs:
We accept only the Bible as the final authority in all matters of Faith and Practice.
This means that we do not accept any authority except the New Testament Scriptures. Christ is head of the Church, and it is His bride. We believe the Word of God, the Bible is complete and is given of by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, and instruction in righteousness.
We reject that God is giving supposed "new" Revelation, believing that God forbids any adding to or taking away of the canon of Scriptures. We do not accept any authority over the New Testament Church, but Christ Himself, including any hierarchy to include popes, modern day prophets, or councils of churches.
We believe that the church is made up of Saved Baptized Believers
Baptist reject the baptism of infants flatly! The church is made up of Baptized believers only. An infant is not capable of believing, and is protected by the Grace of God until the age of accountability.
Further, only those who have made a public profession of faith in Jesus Christ and have repented of their sin and have trusted in Him as their Savior can be a candidate for baptism, and thus can be a member of the body of Christ on earth, the local church.
We believe in the Priesthood of All Believers
We affirm the priesthood of all believers. Laypersons have the same right as ordained ministers to communicate with God, interpret Scripture, and minister in Christ's name. That is why the Church requires strong lay involvement.
This doctrine is first and foremost a matter of responsibility and servanthood, not privilege and license.
It is of course, a perversion of this doctrine to say that all views are equally valid, that you can believe anything and still be a Baptist or that the pastor has no unique leadership role.
We believe in Soul Competency
We affirm soul competency, the accountability of each person before God. Your family cannot save you. Neither can your church. It comes down to you and God. Authorities can't force belief or unbelief. They shouldn't try.
Against this backdrop of religious freedom, it's important for us Baptists to set forth our convictions. By stating them in a forthright manner, we provide nonbelievers with a clear choice.
What we believe about Creeds and Confessions
In some groups, statements of belief have the same authority as Scripture. We call this creedalism. Baptists also make statements of belief, but all of them are revisable in light of Scripture. The Bible is the final word.
Because of this distinction, we are generally more comfortable with the word "confession." Still, we are "creedal" in the sense that we believe certain things, express those beliefs and order our institutions according. There have always been Baptist limits. And within these limits, there have always been Baptist preferences.
What we believe about Women In Ministry
Women participate equally with men in the priesthood of all believers. Their role is crucial, their wisdom, grace and commitment exemplary. Women are an integral part of our Southern Baptist boards, faculties, mission teams, writer pools, and professional staffs. We affirm and celebrate their Great Commission impact.
While Scripture teaches that a woman's role is not identical to that of men in every respect, and that pastoral leadership is assigned to men, it also teaches that women are equal in value to men.
We believe in a separation of Church and State
We stand for a free church in a free state. Neither one should control the affairs of the other. We support the First Amendment to the United States Constitution, with its "establishment" and "free exercise" clauses.
We do, of course, acknowledge the legitimate interplay of these two spheres. For example, it is appropriate for the state to enact and enforce fire codes for the church nurseries. It is also appropriate for ministers to offer prayer at civic functions. Neither the Constitution nor Baptist tradition would build a wall of separation against such practices as these.
What we believe about Missions
We ask the people of the world to conform to Christ and His Word, and not to our merely human traditions. We seek to lift up national leadership in the countries where we serve, and to respect the cultural expressions of their faith – we honor the indigenous principle in missions. We cannot, however, compromise doctrine or give up who we are to win the favor of those we try to reach or those with whom we desire to work. This would rob our efforts of their integrity and life.
The priority is evangelism which results in churches. This priority is consistent with strong social ministries, including medical care, emergency famine relief, water projects and agricultural assistance.
We believe in the Autonomy of the Local Church
We affirm the autonomy of the local church. Each church is free to determine its own membership and to set its own course under the headship of Jesus. It may enter into alliance with other churches as it chooses, so long as those other churches are willing.
The same is true for other Baptist bodies – local associations; state conventions; national conventions. They, too, may determine their membership and set their own course.
If, in its autonomy, a Baptist body expels a church from its fellowship, it does not negate that church's autonomy. The church is perfectly free to go on with its business – but not as a member of that larger Baptist body.
Sexuality and Sanctity of Life