Living & Sharing Christ

RSBC History
A group of early Christians met in 1840 for the purpose of organizing a church in the Rock Springs community. The name of the first pastor was W. D. Baldwin in 1841.
In November of 1851 Rock Springs Church adopted a constitution for the church. The clerk was instructed to put this on record as well as the names of all members at that time. There were 24 male members and 24 female members. Rock Springs was one of the 16 churches which organized the Robertson County Baptist Association in 1915.
The first of house of worship was built of hewn logs which sat across the road from the present building. This building burned and another was built in it's place. Sometime later the present building was constructed. This is the third building in 150 years. An extensive remodeling program was complete in 1976 and another remodeling was done in 1996.
On October 10, 2001, we voted to build a new sanctuary and classrooms with construction to begin no later than July 2002. Then one year later, on Sunday, July 6, 2003 the new building was dedicated to the Lord.
Thirty-six pastors have served the church. Bro. Randy Harmon is the present pastor coming to the church in October 2011. He is the fifth full time pastor of Rock Springs.